This is the [last release +1]th
release of Sonic4 Test Records.
The Album Code
[MIKALOUS] is [explain what the code is used for].
is [give a brief explanation of what it's
about, who made it, and additional context about it.]
[give more information here, like i don't
s an unofficial sequel to the series that started off
Sonic4 Test Records, and it tries to replicate the style of the previous Funny
albums by warping songs that were taped from a broadcast. It's a good mix of
songs to revive the dead series, and it's about revisiting the place I came from.
I'm really proud to see how far I've come, and I'm looking back at the stories I've
told with the albums I've created. Things have changed since then, but it's just
progression in the end. I hope this album will take you back to the past..]
who made the album about it"
- Caha Robert Music
Check out the YouTube
playlist of the samples.
[Previous Album]
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